Patlabor: The TV Series (1989–1990)
It is the best Mecha Anime ever!
29 July 2007
Following the success of the OVA series from 1988. Came a TV series, that had all the ingredients for the perfect fighting robot related anime.

This isn't a continuation from the Original OVA. It's an alternate retelling of the story and universe. Noah joining Division 2 is entirely different as well as the encounter of Kanuka Clancey is different. The plot and background story is the though. It takes place in an alternate future. Set in the late 90's to the early 2000's. Where robot carriers called Labors are used to make the world progress quicker and cut down manual labor. But it created a raise in crime and terrorism. Which lead to improving the police forces by creating Patlabors. Labors specially used by the police to fight crime and make the public feel safe to roam the streets.

Patlabor the TV series ran for 47 episodes. Each one continues from the other. And through out the whole series, Noah, who gets the spot light more than the other main characters. Adapts to her passion for operating a Patlabor. And develops from a rowdy red head to a reliable woman. And the thing I like most about Patlabor, is it has a lot of character development. And it makes you feel like you're watching real life rather a Sci-Fi anime. Because everyone you see has a personality, goal, problem, and daily schedule.

The series has been around for more than a decade. Making it worthy of being classified as a classic. And is a highly under-rated anime. Very few people know it's existence. But those who like unique fighting robot anime, or anything from the 80s. Will likely to enjoy Patlabor.

Read my review on the Original OVA series for more info on how the franchise began.
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