Earthstorm (2006 TV Movie)
(cough) RIPOFF (cough) (cough)
24 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong. I didn't accidentally come across this turd feast on the Sci-Fi Channel, I purposely rented it. Why? I could tell from the so-called "stars", plot line and cheeseball graphics that it was doomed to be nothing less than pure manure, but I was in the mood for a mindless romp and a trip into space with one of the million or so Baldwin clones.

The creator's of this travesty could of course say "Sure, we borrowed a 'few' elements from other films". You couldn't exactly call the movies they borrowed from 'high art'. Both "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact" were chock full of sappy, throwaway characters and pretty good CGI. "EARTHSTORM" did have throwaway characters, but the computer graphics were terrible. You obviously have to suspend your knowledge and belief of scientific facts for this kind of movie, but even the other two films had some small smatterings of reality in them, no matter how far it was stretched. Others have already mentioned the fallacies and mistakes, so I won't go into detail (gravity on the shuttle, endless supply of fuel, no lag time between the moon and earth communications, the improbability that Stephen Baldwin can act, etc.).

Anyway, I was hoping for at least 90 minutes of mindless fun, but all I got was the mindless part. All the other elements were so poorly put together that (I'll go even one better than one person commented): "It makes Super Babies 2 look like Lord of the Rings".
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