Good Period Nostalgia
23 July 2007
I agree with others's comments here that the Tacy character was selfish and thoughtless. However, the give and take between Lucy and Desi at their height was still good. When Nicky discovered the hidden rocks in the trailer, it would have been great to have him say -- just once -- "Taaacy! You got some 'splain' to do!" The visuals were just great and, being a car nut, I liked the gorgeous new '53 Mercury Monterey convertible with all the extras. The quoted prices were a laugh as well, just like historical MSRP's of vehicles we car nuts would love to own today. More like laughing through our tears, really.

One never suspended disbelief and forgot that it was all just a movie. No one looks or sounds that good in a moving open car, for one thing.

Overall, I liked the road trip back in time and know I will never, ever pull a trailer!
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