Potatoes And Puns Save The Day
17 July 2007
This is different: potato-people have the lead role. (This was long before Mr. Potato Head.) A Irish spud who is the cop summons the rest of his squad out of "Paddy's Potatoes" burlap bag to help find the missing carrots after some ghoulish-character steals them and causes chaos.

The animation is pretty weak but the story is original and certainly keeps your attention. Suspects are rounded up in a root beer bar and we see police brutality as a corn stalk is put into a toaster to get him to "pop," er talk. Pickled onions claim they are from Bermuda and know nothing. An orange is put in a squeezer and an egg who won't talk is put on a skillet "to fry."

The Irish potato cops are rough but at least they have a sense of humor with all the puns they use in torturing their victims. This cartoon probably would not be made today, although I never saw a Tom And Jerry cartoon, or a Roadrunner or a bunch of others that didn't have a ton of violence in them, either. That's just the way they were done back in the classic-film era. I don't know if that still holds true today. I wouldn't be surprised if today's cartoons are obsessed with sex instead of violence.
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