Review of Bhoot

Bhoot (2003)
Real scary
17 July 2007
Bhoot is one of the Ram Gopal Vermas milestone, and also the only good movie which is of genre horror and also a professional Bollywood film. Before Bhoot, the horror movies made in Bollywood were mostly will fit in comedy. Off course, other than Ramse movies, some serious tries were made like Ankahee and others. But they failed to get attention of the audience or to get good reviews and critics. Even Ramu's previous movies Raat and 'Darna Mana Hain' failed to get any attention.

So before watching Bhoot I have prepared for a movie which will scare you less and make you sleep more. But I was totally wrong. The movie doesn't have ghosts with painted faces, neither it has females wearing bare minimum clothes and throwing other people around like basketball, neither it has Mantriks with skull in their hands. It is a very simple low budget movie.

It is more comparable to Kaun than any other Bollywood horror movies you have seen. Most of the credit goes to the Director, and remaining to the actors, specially Urmila. Urmila is the main character and mostly the story revolves around her, and she fits there so well. Ajay and Nana were as usual at their best leaving us with nothing to curse for. Ajay a simple, middle class husband who is totally helpless and got no clue of what should be done, while Nana a 'Chakram' police inspector who has doubt that something weird is going on. These two characters too are plotted very well, and done with the same power by the actors.

Another good aspect is its short length. The movie starts quickly, without showing us any love story and song. A couple getting into a new apartment house, which is haunted, and the wife gets possessed by the ghost. Its just one line story.

The most important aspects of ghost stories is the environment making, and thats the most positive part of this movie. Just the sound of lift coming up and down makes so much of impact. I will recommend this movie to everyone, who enjoys Bollywood movies, and also to those who enjoys horror movies. In my opinion, this movies should go in "101 must watch Bollywood movies" as it is the only good horror movie made in Bollywood till date.
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