Transformers (2007)
Transformers is the GREATEST!!!!
16 July 2007
I've been a fan of Transformers for as long as they've been around. I've seen them transform into everything from cars to planes to animals. In Beast Machines, one of the Maximals could transform into a plant! They've been everything under the sun and more besides, so it might have been a little difficult for the filmmakers to find a fresh direction for the robots. I prefer to think that this film was created for a new generation of robophiles who've never heard of Transformers, and the die-hard fans who wanted to see them go in a new direction. I, as one of the die-hard fans, love this movie and can't wait for the sequels to start pouring out.

I really liked Bumblebee's new vehicle mode. Going from a Volkswagen Beetle to a Camaro is a real step up the ladder for the little guy. And Megatron's new look is appropriately menacing. I can understand why some of the purists might have a problem about this movie, but I think they need to calm down a little. The Transformers mythology, like everything else, has to evolve or it'll go extinct. Think of this movie as an alternate universe that expands the possibilities for future storytelling, just like the comics did in the 80s. Sure, the characters might not be as we remember them, but I believe the changes are for the better and will only enhance the enjoyment for anyone with a flexible enough mind.
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