I do not understand the low ratings this film has gotten.
12 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
My above summary does puzzle me. It could be that those that gave this bottom of barrel ratings saw the dubbed American International Release. the running time was also reduced.

I saw this last night(rental from NETFLIX) in Japanese with sub-titles & a 93 minute running time.

The correct title is FRANKENSTEIN vs. BARAGON

Granted the story line is very hokey, BUT there again MOST films of this type are & make no sense what so ever.

I liked the background story, it was at least interesting, I have seen more incredible plot twists than shown here.

The American actor Nick Adams has a major role & not just cast for Box-Office reasons.

The acting is OK for this type of film. One does not expect award winning performances, same for production values.

The special effects are good & final scene is the fight between ThE Monster (a mutant boy )& a giant reptile. we have seen these scenes many times. Nothing new or different..

My good thumbs up rating is mainly because I enjoyed it. & that is why we see movies, isn't it, to enjoy them.. So my fellow film buffs, be sure to see the Japanese Version & you will think like I do about this film.

Ratings *** (out of 4) 82 points out or 100) IMDb 7 (out of 10)
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