Ghost Rider (2007)
Trying to Find Make Justice
11 July 2007
I'm really tired to hear and read so many bad reviews about this film with not a single real good reason of someone who shows real knowledge about this comic character. So take note about this points to not waist time ignorants: First: Mark Steven Johnson was right: this movie is for those who really love Ghost Rider and know it well to take every single little thing from any of the comics, by example the poster of the Quentin Carnival in the house Johnny Blaze, it's the only mention to this place but it's fair if you think abut who works the story. Second: Ghost Rider began as a mix of western and supernatural comic, and that's it's the beginning of this movie. Later it became in some kind of horror adventure so the best thing about this movie it's watch how Mark made a good mix of the different styles of (at least) three kind of comics. Third: If you read the third collection of Ghost Rider with Dan Ketch as main alter ego from character, you'll find the same spirit of this movie, the comic was dark but Ghost Rider had a code, had the weapons to avoid a transformation in a pure evil character, even when the villains were bloody monsters. Fourth: As Christian I really found here a movie who shows very well the battle of the good against't evil without contradictions in the use of any book like bible or something else, there is a powerful message about how we live in darkness, how the man pays his own bad choices.

For those who wanna know more read "Hearts of Darkness" an one shot of Ghost Rider with Wolverine and Punisher it's the basic story of this movie.

I been waiting for this movie at least 5 years, since I began to read the comics of Ghost Rider Mark Steven Johnson did exactly what I dreamed, took the characters with more respect than Sam Raimi in the last Spider-Man leaving an open door for what could be even better sequel.
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