Inspector Morse: Absolute Conviction (1992)
Season 6, Episode 4
Insider dealing
4 July 2007
One of the pleasures of viewing episodes of "Morse" years after their first release, is seeing actors and actresses who are now world-famous, in roles sometimes very different from those for which they are now best known.

In this episode, the first two suspects in the murder of their former business partner (played by Tony Steedman) are played by Richard Wilson (who was famous as grumpy Victor Meldrew in "One Foot in the Grave") and Sean Bean. In prison alongside them is a wrongfully convicted former schoolteacher played by Jim Broadbent. Sue Johnston played Sean Bean's screen wife.

This particular episode is perhaps frustrating for viewers interested in the intellectual development of an investigation, as the true murderer is revealed only in the last minutes by a flash of information only fleetingly revealed to the viewer beforehand. Nevertheless, it is interesting to watch Morse and Lewis each doggedly pursuing their own lines of enquiry. At the same time they are dealing with a brash, high-flying Detective Sergeant, and eventually bring him to earth with a bump, each in their own fashion.
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