Redefines Can't be Bothered
4 July 2007
Oh man, I really didn't think they made movies like this any more. Sound of Thunder is a stinker in virtually every single department and I mean stinker. And I mean every department.

Ed Burns is the only decent actor in the whole thing. Even Ben Kingsley looks embarrassed to be here and rushes through a mediocre by the numbers (and thats being kind) performance so he can get on with some real movies. Everyone else in the movie is utterly forgettable. The special FX are bloody awful and half of them don't look like they are even finished. There are one or two that look OK but- actually no I'm not going to stand up for this movie. Sound of Thunder really has no business whatsoever being on the DVD shelf at your local rental store (was it even released in theaters?) and Franchise pictures (who the hell are they, never heard of them and if this is any indication of their products then I don't ever want to hear from them again) should be shot for allowing an obvious work in progress, and not a very good one at that, out into the market in this state.

And what the hell does Peter Hyams think he's pulling here. I mean he has some decent flicks under his belt (Capricorn One, 2010 and The Relic, even the mediocre TimeCop was OK on a base level) but this movie feels like it's been directed by a two year old. A two year old, I might add, whose slightly older brother was dragged in to do the editing as well. Most, if not all, of the outside shots that had actors in them were shot using a CGI backdrop which looks so obvious it's laughable. Like they couldn't take a couple of cameras downtown and shoot something more convincing (and probably less expensive).

The sound also was uneven with the sound levels going up and down during scenes for no reason whatsoever.

I'd rather gouge both my eyes out than sit through this again it was that painful. No actually I'd rather watch Alone in the Dark than watch this movie.

Although, if you've got some mates round with some tins and a pizza then you might want to give this a rental so you have endless fun ripping it to bits. It deserves no less......

Thank you drive through....
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