Review of Delivery

Delivery (2006)
Sleazy, gory, hilarious fun!
1 July 2007
DELIVERY definitely falls into the low-budget, done on a shoestring, splatter flick category that seems to be all the rage these days. I've seen plenty of these digital horror flicks over the last 5 years and I have to say that Delivery ranks up there amongst the better ones. This is way more than a bunch of dudes running around their backyards with a video camera. This is cheap done with skill.

High Points: character development! Finally a low-budget flick where characters aren't just setup to service a killing. Monty the pizza guy has a dark family history, and you get to see his life slowly unravel... Hilarious politically incorrect supporting characters, including a belligerent transvestite and her gay swimming pool mafia... Good performances by the leads (Matt and Tara?)... Notable technical work- good lighting, camera-work, direction... The last 25 minutes is a cathartic, kill all the a**holes climax just as satisfying as "Carrie." And lots of NAKED SORORITY GIRLS! I'm female, and love this great American pastime. More jugs the better! Low Points: The pacing is VERY moderate. Basically Monty the Pizza Guy getting sh*t on by a series of jerks for an hour got a little tedious. Some weak performances here and there, but forgivable.

Overall, a commendable feat accomplished with little resources. A fun flick when you have the gang over with a fridge full of Pabst. Have a ball!
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