Tiger Heart (1996)
You'll be praying for the hero to die in this one!
1 July 2007
Now this is one utterly rancid turd of a movie if ever I've seen one!

I've just got to say it outright; The teen hero in this flick is without doubt one of the most loathsome, irritating, cocky little pieces of excrement ever to (dis)grace the screen! For a classic example as to why, just check out the sequence where said idiot takes on some of the bad guys in a shop. Before administering a beat down to the gormless fools our man.....erm, sorry boy, utters what must surely rank as one of the most veritably cringe inducing smart ass speeches ever committed to celluloid. To paraphrase our dolt karate kid wannabe it goes something along the lines that there's two things he hates, flat sodas and guys with tattoos (the head thug has one down his neck) - well, suffice to say my anal nerve almost gave out upon hearing such a crap piece of dialogue!

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of bad movies but this flick was frankly too horrific to bear and please don't even get me started on the utterly jaw dropping, atrociously crappy title song - Goddamit - To call it tacky would be to compliment it unduly!

Trust me on this, of all the Karate Kid rip offs I've ever seen, this my friends is without doubt the most mesmerisingly pitiful, nausea inducing, weightiest pile of faecal matter of the lot. Simply put, watch this flick and you to will guaranteed, feel the overwhelming violent compulsion to tear the hero's head from his scrawny body with your bare hands!
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