Miami Vice: The Dutch Oven (1985)
Season 2, Episode 4
An impressive "Trudy" episode
26 June 2007
"The Dutch Oven" opens with style as Trudy prepares her make-up for a night undercover as a prostitute, becomes involved in a high-speed chase in Crockett's Ferrari and ends up shooting an armed man when under-fire. This last slice of action is accompanied by Pat Benatar's excellent "Diamond Field" which compliments the on-screen events perfectly.

This is a Trudy-dedicated episode that really hits the spot. Olivia Brown is an excellent actress and this tale really gives her the platform to showcase her talent.

David Johansen's "King of Babylon" is another memorable track from "The Dutch Oven" as the singer entertains at a drug-fuelled party.

This episode was directed by non-other than Abel Ferrara of "Driller Killer", "Ms. 45" and "Bad Lieutenant" fame.

9 out of 10.
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