The most beautiful HK female stars
26 June 2007
Happened to catch this almost forgotten gem on cable channel during one unsuspecting lazy afternoon. The forever beautiful Cherie Chung stars as an independent minded and sometimes hot-headed female news reporter who runs into the mild mannered and innocent young executive, played by the charming Kenny Bee. Their initial encounters, like many formulaic rom-com, were riddled with outrageous misunderstanding and disaster (Both drunk strangers unknowingly got into the bed together. Worse still, poloraids of them were taken by Kenny's office pals and turned into office pranks) Very soon however, the mutual hatred and politeness develop into romance, as Cherie moves into Kenny's apartment. Like many rom-com, no relationship will run smoothly without any conflict.

The script pays extra attention in setting up and exploring the issues that two very different people in love will have when they decide to share their lives together. A bigger social commentary is attempted in unethical corporate practices (which pre-dates Enron), but picture works better when it stays focus on the love-hate relationship of the cohabitants.

The main difference between this movie and other rom-com is the 3-dimensional characters, enhanced by the performance and chemistry of the leading stars Cherie and Kenny. Two other popular and very beautiful HK starlets of that era, Vivian Chow and Chingmy Yau, play supporting roles who despite having little screen time, add to the eye-candy. If you're a sucker for rom-com, there are the usual ingredients, and a little extra topping to satisfy. Even if you're not a rom-com fan, the gathering of the most beautiful Hong Kong female stars Cherie Chung, Vivian Chow & Chingmy Yau, will be a good reason to re-watch this sweet little picture...
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