Non-politically correct point that really fits
25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's refreshingly non-politically correct. It shows both a man and a women eventually choosing adulthood...but in a quirky way that makes modern feminists cringe. But that cringe factor actually makes the point even more important. You see, this has a twist ending.

Yes, the woman gets spanked in the end. That's common in older movies and TV shows - I Love Lucy has several. But remember, not that long ago it was LEGAL to do so, and even thought of as moral and right. But this is different than many movie spankings. In this one, she openly rebukes the people trying to stop it! The wife understands, the husband understands, and we as the viewer are asked to understand. In the view of that culture, it is more adult to be held accountable than it is to be an irresponsible manipulative child.

Acceptance of the spanking was her finally choosing adulthood. It was her crown of glory for allowing it, and his for giving it. The spanking ends up being more feminist than many would like to admit - she CHOOSES as a woman (finally a woman) to accept it. Although every culture manages to think itself right and every other culture barbaric, if you stop and try to see it through her eyes, you might be surprised.

The point of the movie seems to be that adults need to choose to be adults. Not wimpy, not easy to be knocked down in life. But willing to choose to act and accept adulthood. While spanking might not be the modern way to act that out, the main point is a solid one.
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