Catch a Fire (2006)
A powerful story well told
25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A powerful story well told in skillful hands. Philip Noyce, of Rabbitproof Fence fame, once again takes a story of oppression and just tells the story, without apportioning blame or taking sides. The script is marvellous and the acting uniformly good. Tim Robbins and Derek Lucas both affecting near-flawless South African accents, take the male leads and put in outstanding roles. Tim Robbins as the Afrikaner cop is a character difficult to understand, at one point he takes his prisoner home for Sunday dinner with his family and in another scene oversees the beating-up and torture of innocent people. Derek Lucas is equally good as a man who's only interest lies with his family and job before being arrested and ultimately backed into a course of action that he could not have foreseen. Michelle Botes and Bonnie Mbuli are both excellent South African actresses who play the respective wives, Bonnie Mbuli in particular putting in a very affecting role as the wife who stands by helplessly as her husband spirals into a new life which does not include her or her children. H
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