Last Orders (2001)
Not my cup of tea or should that be Rosie Lee?
21 June 2007
Americans will be pleased to hear that they are now incorporating subtitles on remote controls so that they can understand films like this which they perceive to be in a foreign language. Strange how the English never need subtitles apart from when Marlon Brando or Sylvester Stallone are on screen. The film was spoilt for me by the ridiculous toupee worn by Bob Hoskins (probably hired from Tony Bennett), the immense eyebrows of David Hemmings (The film's budget didn't run to a pair of garden shears to cut them) and the fact that professional Cockney Ray Winstone was once again playing professional Cockney Ray Winstone. Add the fact that Michael Caine was once again playing Michael Caine, I felt somewhat unfulfilled by this film despite all the gushing praise lavished on it on the preceding pages. I am not alone in my not liking of this film as someone at my office today on responding to my query about whether he had seen this said quote, "Yeah, bleedin' miserable rubbish."
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