Nothing Important Happened this Season
11 June 2007
With Mulder gone Dogget and Reyes get more time than Scully but they do dig into the super soldier theory (new story arc?). Also some answers about Scully's baby but other than that not much happened. We knew Mulder would be back for the Shows finale but couldn't they have done a better job of wrapping things up? With at least 2 episodes wasted that I can think of with the one about the Brady Bunch House and that episode with Burt Reynolds that they could have been giving answers to and having the finale go another way. Grrrr! I don't know why I keep watching reruns on TNT and SCIFI. Some people liked those episodes and maybe if it wasn't for the fact that the show WAS GOING OFF THE AIR FOR GOOD those episodes would have been OK. I did like some of the monster of the week ones and Doggets back story. I hope they do a movie someday and maybe show Mulder & Scully together living in a rural community and having visits with the kid (as some relatives but not as parents since he's older now and used to his new parents). Then they can be called on some XFILE after Mulder's trial is found to be an unlawful kangaroo court and charges dismissed. They could get proof finally that there are Aliens and bring back the head of a super soldier to the NY Times. Something pleeease.
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