Primeval: Pter-able News (2007)
Season 1, Episode 5
"You have no idea how revealing dung can be, it's exciting stuff." Fifth episode.
6 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Primeval #1.5 starts on a golf course when one unlucky golfer is brutally killed by something nasty, Home Office official Claudia Brown (Lucy Brown) is alerted & gets Professor Nick Cutter (Douglas Henshall) & the team on the case. They deduce from the evidence at hand that the golfer was attacked & torn apart by some aerial predator that came from an anomaly in the sky, how are the team going to stop flying predators that can disappear into the sky in a flash & fly just about anywhere in search of food?

Episode 5 from season 1 of this made-for-British TV sci-fi adventure series was directed by Jamie Payne & is yet another OK time waster but nothing particularly special. The script as usual for this series takes it's inspiration from other sources & in this episode it's obviously Alfred Hitchcock's Birds (1963) as well as a bit of Bats (1999) thrown in there for good measure along with any other flying monster type film. Again I didn't think this was that great, as the series is progressing I find myself disliking the character's more & more while the stories all seem to be pretty clichéd & very familiar. At only 45 minutes in length it doesn't last that long & doesn't bore which is it's main saving grace, I will watch episode 6 which is the final one of the first series but I'll do so out of commitment rather than interest or because I really want to.

There are some good CGI computer effects here, again both the different types of monsters on show here are totally fictitious & made up. There are a couple of decent moments during this episode but nothing that really stays in the memory. It's well made with good production values & the acting is alright apart from Lucy Brown the Home Office woman who is just terrible, she only ever seems to have one tone of voice.

Primeval #1.5 is another average time waster, it's OK to sit down & watch as a piece of forgettable sci-fi fun but little else. To be perfectly honest I'm not particularly looking forward to episode 6.
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