Detonator (1993 TV Movie)
I had only one reason for watching it!
3 June 2007
Late in the evening I was switching chanells on the tube and landed in the middle of a movie which caught my eye. I instantly saw something familiar about the locomotive, the police uniforms and the landscape, so I watched it 'till the end (it was maybe the last half hour of the film if not a bit less). I was very excited to see that renouned actors such as Brosnan, Steward and Lee played along with one of few almost good Slovenian actors (Veselko - the train driver) and that the movie was actually filmed in Slovenia. Doesn't happen very often. I soon realized that the film had quite a low budged (I mean it seemed like they couldn't even wait for Steward to get well, so they had him act with his hand in a cast and he wasn't very good at it), so I could understand the ending being a bit less then spectacular, but I was really wanting to see the whole thing. I was sure that everything leading to that flat ending was much better. I mean with a cast like that... But no! OK, the movie is a B rated action TV flick. I never care much about the visual effects, a good movie doesn't need them, but a movie based on nothing but fast action and with bad acting such as this, it would have nothing but good effects to rely on. There were none. It was a total disappointment. So the only reason I kept watching it was to see how many locations I was able to recognize. Were it not for that local-patriotism I wouldn't have watched it till the end.
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