THE worst, most offensive movie I've ever seen
2 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'd heard Jamie Kennedy was funny. Whoever reported that was on crack. Kennedy makes Pauly Shore seem like Laurence Olivier.

I brought my 2 sons (11 and 13) to see this movie because one thought it looked funny. I'm a pushover for going to movies with them. I figure a movie with a PG-13 rating will not be crude or offensive, simply it will have a few curse words and possibly some implied sex.

I think I laughed once and thought my sons were laughing a little early on. When they got to the part about teaching the formerly comatose break dancer some moves for getting with his love interest (using a short fat Hispanic "actor" with a wig and bra as a sex doll -- he looked like Chewbacca with that wig. They showed him how to grope and squeeze his "boobs".), I was utterly offended because of what my children were seeing. I was about to tell my family we were leaving, when my 11 year old asked, "Can we GO, now?"

The rating was wrong. There should be a rating for offensive, insulting, pointless, no redeeming values. I only wish I had seen a manager on my way out so I could have gotten a refund. This is only the second movie I have ever walked out on in my life.

I agree with several of the other reviewers. I felt that my evening out was worse than ruined (we bought 4 tickets, 2 drinks and a tub of popcorn -- easily $40). Time was stolen from us. If I were a fighting man, I would already have beaten the crap out of the people who released this movie. I also agree that the positive comments could only be coming from people who made money on the movie, or who are friends. This ca-ca stinks. "Lex Luthor" Rosenbaum was fine in it. Christopher MacDonald must have been paid a lot to stoop this low. The love interest was good looking.

GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE. I'm getting mad just thinking about how awful it was and how much it cost for that lesson. I will never watch a Jamie Kennedy movie again, unless he's uncredited and I didn't know he was in it. If this movie comes on TV and you have a chance to run away, do so. I'd rather watch a political debate with toothpicks under my fingernails.
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