Daughter of the Mind (1969 TV Movie)
Amazing so many others of my generation say the same thing
31 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I, too, saw this one afternoon on the 4 o'clock movie when I was less than 8 years old. (My mother must have been off caring for my baby sister or cleaning to have let me watch this.) I had nightmares for years. This movie comes to me sometimes when I think about other movies. It's a natural tie in when I think of "Barton Fink" (Theater of the Mind! . . . Daughter of the Mind). Thank God for the internet we can remember these things. Hope to find it someday on DVD. The Pam Ferdyn comments ring true too - probably the first actress I ever had a crush on (sorry Marcia Brady, you're a close second). I can't tell you as a kid how relieved I was that it was all a hoax. Back then I don't think I knew how many big stars were in it. I guess with all the outlets today, the chance of anything resembling the once great Movie of the Week formula is gone. I remember another Movie of the Week that I think had George C Scott in it as a man who was bit by a rabid skunk and slowly went mad - wish I could remember what that was. Anyway, you just never knew when you were going to run into something good - but with three channels, you didn't have much choice!
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