Saw it twice in one day the first time I saw it, and I never do that.!!!!
27 May 2007
This is an excellent movie. I am not a big anime fan, but I loved this movie. The animation may be a bit dated for todays anime fans, but that shouldn't bother you a bit. This is not for someone expecting constant action, and or comedy. This is a touching story and is a little sad. DO NOT CONFUSE SAD WITH DEPRESSING. This was a fun watch and I could not turn away from it. Not your average anime, but very good. The ending could have used work and it was definitely deserving of a sequel. This is not very confusing, anyone can follow it, so it is very appealing to the casual anime viewer, such as myself. This is definitely worth looking-up. Great movie if you are willing to forgive the dated animation (Think Lupon The 3rd). Would recommend even to non anime fans.

P.S. This is the definitive, ultimate, original, greatest, furry movie ever. Just thought I'd get that out for you folks.
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