melodramatic combat flick
27 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Liberators

I just saw The Liberators Starring Klau Kinski- according to the front cover a -Hard Hitting and Real,This Is An Incredibly Good Fast-Paced War Action Movie-- I disagree- the pan and scan left the actors either as cyclops or shoulders during part of the scenes- this was an over the top melodramatic action movie that raced towards it's climax illogically.Klaus plays a rapist who smokes and is a darned good solider- he is sentenced to die- he escapes the massacre of the firing squad with a black guy that was mute for the first 30 minutes of the movie and eloquent as soon he met a charming little boy in a village and the LT who was supposed to oversee his execution... nevermind- skip this movie... Klaus's death scene was funny... in another classic moment we see a guy running -in a split second we see a shell explode and no more guy- guess he was blown to bits- but probably just a continuity error
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