a boot to the head would sound more appealing
28 May 2007
B.J. Quinn (martial artist John Barrett) has just gotten out of a one year stint in prison where he was sent after an accidental murder thanks to testimony by Jacques Denard (Brad Morris). Now he has to train for a martial arts contest against his arch-rival Denard, with a paltry $100,000 on the line put up by a shoe company. It's kind of hard to root for a guy who committed manslaughter at a party and remains unrepentant. It doesn't help that the acting is laughably inept in every possible way. Barret is a better kick-boxer than actor. He;s not that good at kick-boxing in this film either. Hoing into this film, you know it'll be horribly acted, but you still hope that it's hilarious it it's ineptness. It's not. It's boring, dull, and not worthy of anyone's time

My Grade: D-
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