Thank God for Foley and Grier
19 May 2007
Actually,I must say that this show is,for me,somewhat of a tonic. It's comedy,improv with a twist,played in two parts:one(the more obvious part)as a staged laboratory of unscripted performance,the other part,in taped segments,as a sort of "warm-up exercise" meant to sort of jog the guest actors into the mindset that would best suit them for the show. I've watched the better part of six of the seven episodes so far and I(to chime in with another reviewer)see some promise to this program.

Basically,what to me holds this show together(which,to be brutally honest,despite its promise would bog down immensely if the right people weren't brought in to anchor it)are the host,David Alan Grier and David Foley,who acts as a judge of the performances. Both are comic pros who are able to keep the events moving smoothly and sometimes inject the right needed amounts of observational humor. The invites to the show range from the choice(Jason Alexander,HArland Williams and Bryan Cranston come to mind)and the woefully over-their-heads(George TAkei and,shockingly,Tom Greene,from what I saw)and can sometimes make the promised product of the show sag,and I suspect that the newness of the concept of the show,paired with the unevenness of the players and the skits they're paired with are right now the stumbling blocks this how has for it at this juncture.

While a show like "Whose Line is it Anyway?" may have a more authentic feel to it in terms of improv comedy,I still feel like a show like this is an interesting--and sometimes truly very funny--exercise in seeing how actors can readjust their mindsets to keep an audience affixed and laughing. I'd like to see more of these shows and see if and how they improve.
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