Review of Flesh+Blood

Flesh+Blood (1985)
Really bad movie yet watchable but not necessarily in a fun way
19 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Rape of main character and Bruno Kirby stricken with black death plus dismemberment of adorable dog = bad movie, but somehow you cannot change the channel.

Where to begin. Was Tipper Gore too busy to miss this one. I think I knew I could not stop watching when Jennifer Jason Leigh dug up a mandrake over two rotting, hanging bodies (one had his genitals mutilated) and with that mandrake, seduced an 80's hair boy.

She is then inadvertently kidnapped by a band of thieves. (not anything like Robin Hood) Later she was raped by Rutger Hauer, the leader of said band of thieves. (An 8 year old, watched attentively, while banging a drum). Of course, they fell in love.

80's hair boy, who loves science, Hooray! Tries to save her and cure the plague locally at the same time. Needless to say Jenny must choose between her raper and 80's hair boy. A tough choice for us all.

There is much more to go into, but I hope you can all find those splendid little details yourselves. There is full frontal nudity in addition to random unexpected gore. This one has a lot going for it, especially very quotable dialog. For a bad campy drunken movie night, this is a jewel.

I apologize for misuse of commas or misspelling of common words. Do not let this distract you from the overall review of the film. This is a bad bad horrible movie, yet I watched it from beginning to end.

I will admit Rutger Hauer was hot in Ladyhawke.
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