Scary Movie (2000)
Another Sad Example Of Today's Comedies
18 May 2007
Here's yet one more example of a modern-day comedy that has its funny moments but unfortunately, to me, was more of a sleaze-fest that a parody or a straight comedy. This movie is spoofing horror films. That's cool, I like a good spoof, but why all the irreverence and sex jokes? Why is that necessary? Don't writers today have the intelligence to make people laugh using clean material? This is just one R-rated scene after another. The language is brutal, too: tons of profanity in this film.

Funny, but comedies for years made the public laugh without having to resort to profanity and sex remarks, like this film does. The really sickening part is that movie was geared for a young audience. The film business has no shame. What passes for comedy films today is, by and large, low-class material. This movie is Exhibit A.
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