24: Day 3: 10:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. (2004)
Season 3, Episode 10
Problems Keep Piling Up
18 May 2007
Oh, man, there are always a ton of new problems. Now, this little kid - Claudia's young brother - spills the beans to Hector that he, his sister and father are all planning to leave. (Jack has promised he would get them out of there.)

So, now Jack's short-lived respite is over and Claudia could be in big danger. Can she talk her way out of it? (Moral: never tell a little kid something you want to remain a secret.)

We also see a tough scene with Chase being interrogated more. He's not giving up any information, but he's taking a terrible beating. It's not fun to watch.

At the C.T.U., Tony and his wife are not on the same page regarding his competency, working despite being in the hospital a few hours ago and Chole is pouting about some personal matter. That woman has always got something to frown about. What is her problem?

Claudia, her little and father all escape with Chase but one of them is killed while speeding away in the truck.

Meanwhile, Jack is trying to stop the transfer of the virus to the new buyer, Nina. The transaction hasn't happened yet and he thinks he can persuade his wife's killer ("Nina") to make a deal with the Salazars.

Lots of action in the end, and tons of more suspense, along with some political posturing by Wayne and Alan Milliken's wife, another evil woman in this episode.
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