Driving A Poor Custodian Crazy
15 May 2007
It's the Pink Panther torment a night-time department store custodian. I guess our hero is a kind of homeless type of guy who hangs out wherever he can find a warm, indoor spot. In this case, he's lying comfortably in the rug section.

Problems (and some very good sight gags) start when the Panther goes inside a tiger-skin and the janitor gets lazy, trying to sweep the dust and stuff inside the tiger's mouth. The PP shoves the dust right back at him. From that point, the Panther, undetected by the employee, drives the poor man crazy, appearing and re-appearing in different departments of the store, including the escalators.

In the meanwhile, the PP takes a bath in a washing machine, and tries out a few other things in the store such as the "Miracle chair." Most of them are have pretty funny results.

Overall, this was very entertaining.
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