13 May 2007
I have to admit I wasn't expecting too much from this documentary, but was really pleasantly surprised. It's not lightweight by any means and may prove difficult for the casual fan - definitely not popcorn material. The sheer amount of research and material that's gone into it is colossal and it could take many repeat viewings to take it all in.

I went away from the film feeling very uplifted and positive - Joe's attitude to life really makes you want to re-evaluate, and the film really captured that, particularly towards the end. Needless to say the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic as well - not just Clash/101-ers/Mescalaros material (which would be enough in itself!) but a really eclectic variety of music of influences from around the world and from many different ages.

I'm going to stick my neck out and declare this is the best music documentary ever made - it really did affect me that much.
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