Filthy Guy (1972)
Only for die-hard Sammo Hung fans
12 May 2007
This film stars Sammo Hung, an actor and director you might be familiar with, though he isn't a household name. A few years ago, he played the fat cop on the silly TV show "Martial Law". At this point in his long career, he was so obese that many of his stunts seemed to be done by stunt men. However, earlier in his career, he directed many of Jackie Chan's films and made a few of his own. Even in his younger days, he was pretty chunky and far from the typical martial arts hero image. However, with his extensive training as a Chinese acrobat, he was surprisingly light on his feet and could do some interesting tricks in his films. The problem in this particular one is that the movie was supposed to be funny but I never found myself laughing, as the jokes were very broad and the film just bored me to tears. Cheap and forgettable--this isn't one of Sammo's better films (unless you want to see him smashing clay pots over his head--there's a LOT of this in the film).

Oh, and lest I forget, the version I saw was the English dubbed one. The dubbing was just awful and the accents sounded a lot like Eric Idle and a lot of working class Englishmen--not the sort of accents you'd expect for this movie and they sounded pretty lame.
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