Two Guys (2004)
Two Guys, a Suitcase, and a Chinese Gang
5 May 2007
If there's one lesson this movie has to offer it is you should always pay your debts on time and stay away from potty-mouthed, gay, Korean-speaking white men...they can get you into a lot of trouble! This movie is about two guys, one is a slacker and the other is a hard-ass. The hard-ass is hired to threaten the slacker since he hasn't paid any of his debts, owing millions to debtors. In one scene the Slacker does his hair while listening to New Kid's on the Block's song Step by Step. Other than making my sides split from laughing at it, overall, I thought this movie was good because it never takes itself too seriously. I thought it was kinda cheesy to use the theme music from Pulp Fiction toward the end. It seems to fit into that category of movies like Snatch or Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
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