Last of the Summer Wine: Getting Sam Home (1983)
Season 7, Episode 7
10/10 of the best TV films ever......RELEASE IT ON DVD !!
3 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A wonderfully funny full length film-noir with an excellent and eccentric plot - why oh why this has not been released on DVD I cannot imagine - despite being of 1983 vintage, it is still fresh and would only endear itself to the current crop of show-watchers. Most of the original characters are here, including Syd (John Comer, who was to die shortly afterwards from throat cancer - his voice betraying his illness). There is also a wonderful performance from Lynda Baron as 'Lily Bless Her' who is better known for her role as 'Nurse Gwladys Emmanuel' and Arkwright's girlfriend in Open All Hours. Sub-plots abound and there are also some great cameo performances like the drunk buying fish & chips. Simply wonderful eccentric humour at it's British best.
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