Painless Second Feature
30 April 2007
This is a perfectly disposable entertainment, most notable for having William Bendix, some location shooting at a ritzy resort, and some OK gags, some of which are a little closer to risqué than usual for early 40s cinema. The better jokes invovlve a party about one-third into the movie.

Plot? A couple taxi drivers who hit it rich have girlfriends who want to move up in society. While playing hooky from the party, our heroes fish the "Brooklyn Orchard" out of the water, foiling her suicide attempt. Whereupon, she declares that since the boys fished her from certain death, they now own her life. The result is standard farce fare.

Why watch? The ladies are pretty and clothes they are wearing are better than the usual B frock. The drunken music critic who turns up in the second reel is funny.

Why not watch? The depiction of men as loutishly stupid and women as scheming plotters feels mean spirited outside of a Laurel & Hardy movie. And there is nothing here you can't find in many better movies (or, for that matter, in an episode of Friends).
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