Batman Begins (2005)
Batman Reigns Supreme
29 April 2007
This is the first great Batman movie. I thought the Tim Burton ones were good at the time, and they were compared to the garbage of the latter two films. But finally, there is a great Batman film, and all thanks goes to Christopher Nolan.

Nolan is one of the best director in Hollywood now, all his films are captivating, superb and wonderfully constructed. Nolan gets rid of all the hokey-comic book cheese that surrounded the early Batman films and even the 1960s TV show with Adam West. This is a dark, gripping action story that examines the back-story of Bruce Wayne to his intricate path in becoming the Dark Knight.

Other than the direction of Nolan, the movie is so powerful because of acting, solid cinematography and a great script. Christian Bale is the best Batman yet. Young enough where we can see the cocky and brash Bruce Wayne and manly enough where we can see the aggressive super- hero. Michael Caine as Alfred was probably the best casting yet. His performance is phenomenal not only with Christian Bale but also as the guardian of the young-orphaned Bruce. Cillian Murphy gives an emphatic breakthrough performance as Dr Crane. Liam Nesson has carried his Jedi-presence and wisdom onto this screen as Ducard, Batman's mentor in the League of Shadows. Add in Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldham and this is truly a blockbuster cast.

The cinematography was masterful as well. The scenes in the ninja training with the choreography are excellent. The effects of the hallucinogen drug are hypnotically frightening. The quick paced fast movement camera work of the action sequences are dizzying but wonderfully chaotic.

The screenplay is superb. This film makes Batman seem real and that he could actually exist in today's society. I know that seems rather far-fetched, but that's how captivating the script is. There were some simple yet profound lines and there were moments of perfect comic relief. This film seemed to have it all.

This film was one of the best surprises in 2005. Batman is back and proves he is better (and more) than just another comic book action hero. thank you Christopher Nolan, thank you.

8 out of 10.
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