Poltergay (2006)
could have been nicer...
29 April 2007
I saw this movie out of curiosity, 'cause the plot summaries i had read in the press suggested a pretty silly movie...and i love silly movies! So we've got this young couple (Clovis Cornillac and Julie Depardieu) who has just bought a house which,as the young man will soon discover, is haunted by five disco-addict gay poltergeists... and he's the only one able to see them and hear them party all night in his basement. You've got the picture. Well, the movie ain't BAD...but doesn't match expectations. The acting is average, the original idea is good but i expected a lot more funny stuff (there are a few really funny lines but that's about all you'll get), the directing is absolutely common... and that's a pity because the storyline is corny enough for us to expect loads of stupid jokes and ideas. In the end, not a bad one, but kinda disappointing...
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