Angel: Release (2003)
Season 4, Episode 14
You're preaching to the guy who ate the choir
26 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You're preaching to the guy who ate the choir - I love this episode even more than 'Salvage', despite it not having 'The Beast'. 'Angelus' once again steals the show, I can't stress enough how much I love his character, it is such a shame he's only in one more episode. I also loved 'Cordy' as the beast master, she gets creepier and creepier by episode, especially when she has those creepy white-eyes. 'Faith' is also once again, awesome! from her ass-kicking shower scene till her fight with 'Angelus', I loved it all. However, my favorite character this episode has got to be 'Wesley', he's so badass, stabbing that girl for information, driving 'Faith' over the edge, and then with his awesome shut-gun, can he get any cooler than this? We also learn that 'Connor' is special, in other words, not human. I loved the scene where he looks in the mirror to see if he can vamp out, silly boy. All in all, awesome episode. I also loved the Angelus/Faith fight sequence almost as much as the Beast/Faith fight sequence, but at least in this one, 'Angelus' ended up biting 'Faith'. ANGELUS: Now, this is disappointing. You never used to bleed so easy. FAITH: Screw you. ANGELUS: Maybe after. I like my girls to lie still. (10 out of 10)
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