Fool Coverage (1952)
Insurance companies are always trying to rip people off.
25 April 2007
Daffy Duck, ever the shyster, tries to sell Porky Pig an insurance policy with a series of specific, virtually improbable conditions. When Porky doesn't buy it, Daffy tries to set up several hazards around Porky's house, but only succeeds in repeatedly injuring himself.

What "Fool Coverage" portrays isn't exactly fictional. Insurance companies have been engaging in questionable practices for years. But it was inexcusable what they did after Hurricane Katrina. After many homes were destroyed, the insurance companies refused to pay to rebuild them, claiming that the inhabitants either had no water damage insurance or had no wind damage insurance. Think what you want about insurance companies, but they are truly some of the creepiest thugs.

But I digress. This is a really funny cartoon. A great display of Daffy's greedy side.
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