Primitive Effort Offers Few Laughs
24 April 2007
The year 1946 marks the first full year, I believe, of "The Baby Boomers."

Anyway, corny humor and a cop-out beginning (using past footage of other cartoons) has us looking at a newspaper headline reading " Unprecedented Demand For Babies Leads to Overworked Stork." We then go to the famous nightclub, "The Stork Club" (where else) where the drunk Jimmy Durante-stork is crying the blues that he does all the work and gets no credit. Then they show some stock footage in demonstrating how the stork has been making mistakes with wrong deliveries.

That weak segment gives away to better things when Porky Pig is appointed to handle the stork's problems and Daffy Duck assigned as his assistant....but not that much better. The assembly line babies included some good material but Daffy doesn't look like Daffy and isn't anywhere as funny as he was in later cartoons. This has the appearance of a 1930s 'toon. It looked primitive and lacked the smart humor of the 1950s stuff.
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