I finally Figured out that this is the movie that had my friend and I in tears with laughter!
20 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK, First I have to say that about 15 years ago my friend and I were flipping through channels and we stopped on a channel (AMC I think) and found a movie that was so bizarre and so hilarious we couldn't take our eyes off of it to flip to the TV guide channel to see what it was, and by the time it was over we were in tears because 1) it was the funniest thing we ever saw and 2) we had no way of knowing what it was called which probably meant we would never be able to watch it again. So after sifting through many several movies after many man years I came up empty, that is until a few days ago when I typed in a search engine the one line I happen to recall from this comedic masterpiece. yes I had typed in this same line once before and I got nothing, but this time, GOLD! after putting in Quotation marks the line "Still alive and dieing" I found this site! in which 1 of your comments was that same quote. after seeing the name of the movie I typed in the movies name in the search engine and found more information on it, I believe this is it, Finally after years of thinking about it and wondering in agony what it was called. So I being a member of Net Flix tried to order it and to my dismay they don't have it. OMG I thought to myself, could this be true, after all this time of wanting to see it again and now I can't find it? So being the resourceful woman that I am, I went to EBAY, Truly a life saver!! After typing in the search for the movie I found that there were no copies that were selling for under $45.00 and that is for VHS. Could not believe it. But wait, there were some other choices picked up by the search that were not the full title or misspelled, and YAY, I found one. I bid on it with only 1 and a half days left on it and I got it for $10.00, What a steal! I haven't received it yet seeing as how I just paid for it last night but she shipped it today, so within a few days I will see, at last the most wonderful piece of movie art Hopefully,,,and will put my mind at ease after all these years. yay me! As for my friend who watched it with me she wondered for a long time what it was too, but we are no longer on speaking terms so she will have to continue to wonder, lol. Although I was thinking about calling her the other day just to tell her I found out, it would after all be cruel of me not to share this information, well, maybe I should,,, NAHHH! if you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it! and if you have seen it, see it again, you won't be sorry!! hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!
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