Pink Paradise (1967)
The Dog In Here Is An Absolute Howl!
20 April 2007
This is another zany Pink Panther cartoon, and a terrific one.....thanks to a little dog, who totally steals the show.

(This is really bizarre but) the Pink Panther walks underwater to a tropical island and then encounters The Great White Hunter and his White Dog.

Most of the cartoon shows the dog defending its master, or protecting his master's property and coming out on the short end of distress each time. It's hard to explain without giving away all the gags, but you really wind up rooting for the little dog against both his master and the Pink Panther. The latter don't provide a lot, if any, humor except in the very beginning and very end....but the dog in here is too much!! His scaredy-cat howl made me laugh every time, but his cuteness and antics were great. I got a lot of laughs out of this one. Highly-recommended, especially if you appreciate a loyal dog.
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