Red Dawn (1984)
Great if your ten years old or seriously crazy. Amazingly bad otherwise.
19 April 2007
So lets cover what happens in this movie. The Russians decide to invade the USA by sneaking in via Mexico. The first target the Russians chose to hit when invading the world's greatest super-power is none other than............a local high school in a small town in the middle of no where (a strategic stroke of genius if ever I saw one). Unfortunately for us, the high school was apparently the majority of the USA's military and now the whole country is on the verge of being ruled by the Soviet Union. And the Soviets aren't taking prisoners either. After murdering everyone in the school, they proceed to execute every American who they deem as a threat and eventually reach Nazi-levels of genocide. But when all seems darkest, a force of freedom and righteousness comes to liberate the Country. A force powerful enough to halt the Soviets in their tracks. A force made up of............about six teens with a few civilian guns. Ummm....yeah.

I remember when my friends and I used to play war as a kid. We came up with much more easy-to swallow scenarios than the one this movie is based on. I have a feeling that if we'd ever taken the time to film one of these games, our movie would have been a lot better acted than this one too. Most of the brat pack cast give some of their worst performances of the 80s (which is saying a lot) and the Russians tend to sound like they wandered in from a bad SNL skit. That said, it's hard really to blame the actors with such a awful script to work with. The only bright spot in the film is Milius's direction of the action sequences which is occasionally striking though not nearly enough to save this film. If you like Milius's style, watch Conan the Barbarian instead. At least that film knows that it's fantasy and makes its campiness work for it rather than against it.

I'm sorry I don't share the love for this film that some do. I think it's because I'm not completely and utterly crazy. Perhaps if I was, I'd enjoy this paranoid conservative wet-dream. As it stands, the film is only worth watching just so you can tell your friends about it and say, "I swear, it's a real movie."
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