What Happened to this Movie?
14 April 2007
I saw this movie at what I believe may have been it's premier in Westwood, California, near Hollywood, in 1971 when I was a junior in high school. I had read Cat's Cradle (which was always my favorite Vonnegut) and Slaughterhouse 5 in an English literature class, and when I saw it advertised at a movie theater, I had to see it, and I laughed my ass off. Since then, I have told many people about it who thought that I was crazy, because no one ever heard of it, except as a short run play. How could a movie written by Kurt Vonnegut, starring academy award winner Rod Steiger, and accompanied by Susannah York and William Hickey (who stole the show as a hapless schmuck), be so literally unknown? I've looked everywhere over the years to find a copy of it at video stores and no one could even find it in any archives. I always thought that it was strange, that someone as famous (or infamous) as Kurt Vonnegut, could have made a movie that no one ever heard about. Obviously, this thread shows how obscure this flick must have been. I never knew that it had been shown on TV before, in fact, I never knew ANYBODY that had ever even heard of it. Hopefully with Kurt's passing, it will be revived out of somebody's closet and the world will get a chance to see it again. I definitely would like to! If anyone out there knows where I can find a copy please email me at "polaris@mind.net"
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