Fine Show But I Was Left A Bit Disappointed (SPOILERS)
13 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Even though this is not as good as I thought it would be I still had a blast watching it. The premise is very original, well, if you do not count Whose Line Is It Anyway? Anyway, I was hearing very good reviews. TV Guide and other magazines like that gave it a very good review and said it was great. I watched it, and it was good, but I do not think it lived up to the hype. That does not mean you should not watch this, it is very fun and enjoyable.

Here is the basis of this show. A couple of celebrities and comedians go on this show to perform a skit. Easy, huh? Wrong! They have to ad-lib, or improv, every single line that they have. They also have no idea what the skit is about. After the skit is over a judges says if the skit and the acting was good. There are a couple of skits in each episode. At the end of the episode the judge says who was his favorite performer. That performer will receive a Thank God You're Here plaque.

Overall, this is a pretty good and fun show. I like the fact that people you would not think perform on a show like this actually perform, like Monique, who won the second show. Still, not every skit is good. Some are cheesy and weird, but most are good. In fact, more than one-half of the skits are decent. Still, there is at least one bad skit in each episode. Anyway, this is an enjoyable show to watch but I still feel a little empty.


Recommended Shows: SNL, Mad TV.
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