Dancing Romeo (1944)
Froggy's a cute kid when he doesn't talk
10 April 2007
Apart from the MGM staginess, this is kind of a fun little short, especially at the end when Froggy does his wire-assisted dance. There's one part where he "runs" (or tries to) across the back curtain that actually got a chuckle out of me.

But, man, these kids can't act. Buckwheat barely gets by. Mickey doesn't say much, and when he does, he says it adequately if shrilly. Janet's really horrible. She's given a "comic" line of "You're not going to (STAGE GASP) shoot yourself, are you?" that comes out like she's reading a cue card. Valerie "Marilyn" Lee, Froggy's love interest, is actually the best actress of the lot, and Maltin rightly says her thespian skills are less than inspiring.

If you must watch, you can get some humor out of Froggy's dancing sequence, so it's not a waste of time for Our Gang aficionados.
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