I Can't Forgive It for Not Being the Book
10 April 2007
This version of the Roald Dahl classic has always weirded me out, and not in a good way. I don't like the way it looks - gangly and ugly - nor the liberties the screenwriters took with the book. I would borrow "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" from my little grade school library, read it, and as soon as I got to the end of the last page go right back to the beginning and read it over again. It was imprinted on my wee young brain, and I simply cannot accept any deviation from it.

Gene Wilder at least has fun with this, though he reminds me way too much of my loser ex-brother-in-law for comfort. The thing I remember most about this movie, as many others probably do as well, is the catchy anthem sung repeatedly by the Oompah Loompahs.

Grade: C
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