The Break-Up (2006)
Aniston useless, Vaugn funny.
9 April 2007
Poor Jennifer Aniston, being so cute has it's drawbacks. Like, you don't actually have to be talented to get roles in films.

On the other hand, Vince Vaugn, being rather goofy looking actually has comedic talent. His delivery is quick and hilarious as usual.

This film is only funny because of Vince Vaugn. Don't believe me? See for yourself. Jennifer Aniston is incapable of being funny unless she has a really good writing team behind her and even then she is still always typecast in the role of a naggy irritating whiney typical female. Probably with good reason. She made that Jim Carey movie, Bruce the Almighty, almost unwatchable. She just isn't cut out for comedy. She is cut out to be a romantic drama queen. Another Meg Ryan type.

If you like Vince Vaugn, you'll probably like this film. If you like Jennifer Aniston, well that's your problem.
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