Review of La bohème

Great Performances: La bohème (1994)
Season 22, Episode 15
An enjoyable watch if you are a fan of Rent
6 April 2007
Being a fan of Rent, Gary Larsons take on Puccini's La Boheme, I was interested in seeing the roots of the material. But do a search on La Boheme and you'll find many versions of this masterpiece. It was Baz's name attached to this piece that drew me in, as I am a fan of his work. I don't speak a word of the language, and never watched Opera before. But this was quite an enjoyable experience. To see the parallels between the Boheme and Rent was quite amazing. The sets are even similar to the movie, with the loft being almost a duplicate. And look out for the name TOM written in the window dirt. Even if you weren't a fan of Moulon Rouge (Which I was) you can take something away from this. And check out Collin's bright yellow jacket - wow!

A very good piece to experience, as it is an experience.

Culture yourself people, culture yourself!
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