The Adventures of Sinbad (1996–1998)
Two Good Seasons
4 April 2007
"The Adventures of Sinbad" was a short lived, but entertaining action and adventure show from an era of television that appears to have been lost to the world here in 2007. It was like "Hercules" and "Xena" in some ways, no matter how light or dark it was. But it also had its own charm and was its own show. It ran for two seasons. The first was lighter. The second took a slightly darker turn, as did the show's title character, but he wasn't arrogant, self-centered, or evil like some people claim. He had seen a less than perfect world and lost a friend(s). Had the show had a third season, things would have balanced themselves out. Give both seasons a chance. They are both special and have their share of good and bad episodes. Even heroes have issues to work out, which is part of what makes them and their stories legendary and human.
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